Thursday 6 February 2014

day thirty seven

it's currently 11:35 right now, and I have procrastinated big time. I'm going to save this as a draft and edit it when I'm done.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

day thirty six

nothing happened today. stayed home because mom didn't like the weather. Read some fanfictions. Stayed in bed like a lazy piece of shit. Missed World Religions homework, and I think it was Mr.Watkin's birthday. Oh, it's 9:40. Goodnight.

SOTD: Everyone Wants To Rule the World
WOTD: "snow"
EOTD: exhausted, for no reason.
hashtag selfie

Sunday 2 February 2014

day thirty three

It's currently 11:28 right now, and everyone is asleep. Gonna keep this one short. I'm packing my bag currently, and I'm going to take a shower after. Considering gluing some of the pictures I printed yesterday onto the white binder, think that'll look cool. Sucks because I can't find the glue. Also, right now, lohanthony is having a twitter fight against a lot of viners. Ouch. Nothing really happened today, mopped, did the oven, did laundry. It was pretty decent. I've been watching a lot of "What's in My School Bag" videos, and I've been making a list! Wish me luck on it! Guess that's all? Wow, first day of semester two tomorrow...goodnight! (11:32)

SOTD: Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have With Her Clothes On
WOTD: "wanderlust"
EOTD: amped (bc school tmr)
some of the stuff I printed from yesterday for the collage, considering putting these on my binder. I mean, I did print 24 pages last night, I'm sure I have enough to share.

Saturday 1 February 2014

day thirty two

Hello everyone, it is currently 11:16, and I am trying to make work of a collage. But first, allow me to break down my day for you.

Woke up pretty late, an hour after noon, and did some tidying up, but I still have yet to mop the floor. I didn't really do anything today. Oh, I read a Diall fanfic, it's called "What's Unknown", and it is so cheesy and...predictable? I even reread some After (first one), mostly the part where Tessa and Harry move in together. Mom is waiting for her friend to pick her up for a wedding. They were supposed to leave at nine, but the idiot lady decided to go to the hair salon last minute, so poor mom has been waiting ever since. She called, and she's on her way. To be honest, the only reason I want mom to go is because I really want to print the pictures for the collage, and it is 18 pages! Funny thing, is that we got new ink a few days ago...

Trying to remember what else I did today...
Scrolled through tumblr a lot, looking for inspiration for my room. Oh yeah! I was making burgers for Abdullahi and I, because everyone decided to have lasagna, and I decided that I would make it at 5:30. Abdullahi was just hungry for more I guess. These two burgers literally took an hour to cook! Also, they were huge! And the worst part was when they were finally done, I attempted to pick one up, but it dropped, spilling hot grease all over my body. I mostly got it on my right hand, and now my pinky is ripped, and some puss is coming out. Yuck. I'll post a picture later. 

Lastly, as you know (or you should know), is that today marks the twentieth year that Harry Styles has graced this Earth. The only problem is that he hasn't been seen yet, which is not what any of us expected at all. I expected him to be seen with Nick Grimshaw and Alexa Chung on the streets of London, drunk off of their faces. Oh well, maybe something will come up soon, hopefully. 

Oh wait, one more thing! This morning, I go on twitter and see a bunch of people tweeting about Justin Bieber. Turns out, him and a friend had a picture taken of them licking this strippers' breasts. Disgusting.

Mom is leaving now, so I guess that's all folks! Goodnight, love you. (11:35)

SOTD: Can't Remember To Forget You
WOTD: “shady
EOTD: thoughtful?
one of my fav pics for my wall

me and the brother right now